
I am getting an exercise bike! Yeah! I haven’t been able to get out and walk due to the hot weather and humidity, gave my treadmill to the kids because I would get dizzy after awhile walking on it so, the alternative, an exercise bike. Yeah! Should arrive sometime next week! Can’t wait! 

Change of life

Okay, I am 51 years old, having hormones going crazy! My emotions are like a roller coaster and I don’t have mama to talk with. I do, however, have my husband, cousins, and friends that I can talk with. Hubby is a trooper and is really helping me with these changes I am going thru. I am so thankful that God brought him into my life. I don’t know what I would do without him.

As for my cousins, they are like my sisters. We have grown up together since we were little kids. Getting into fights, then playing and making up games like we were scientist and were tracking big foot. We also played school. I was always the student getting into trouble, ha! Ha! But they are here for me just as I am here for them. My uncle has Lewy Body Dementia and there is no cure for this disease. I love my uncle like I love my daddy. Whenever I would spend my summer months with grandma, my uncle would treat me as his daughter. He would say he had five girls. I am praying for he and his wife and all of our family. It is going to get worse for everyone and I want God to give me the courage and strength to be there for my sisters and the rest of our family.

My friends are few but true. They too, are like sisters to me. They are there for me when I need them most.

I am so blessed to have these wonderful people in my life.

Missing mama